#LostCauses Manners? Chivalry? What are those?


Chivalry and Good Manners are apparently behaviors that are disintegrating into the ether. It’s completely lost on the current generation of 20-somethings.

Today, I was entering the office building where I work completely loaded down with a large box in one hand and bags in the other. I punched the handicap button (only time I ever use that button – by the way), so I am able to juggle my packages without dropping them. Two men with a rolling cooler between them and a box on top of it proceeds to quickly move forward to exit the door I am trying to enter. I nearly lost my box attempting to sidestep them. 

I was so surprised by their behavior that it took me a moment to continue on with what I was doing. On the very same day, a male was standing in the elevator and saw me holding some things in my hand (there was an event at my work on this day and we were setting up for it) and looked up to acknowledge me. His gaze returned to his phone and I had to again juggle my items to push the floor I needed.

Appalled? I was so beyond that. I made a showing of pushing the button and he gave me a sheepish, apologetic look before exiting the elevator.

As you may have noted, I didn’t call into question chivalry alone. I also called into question “manners” in the title of this post. This day was a day for me to be “fit to be tied” as my Momma would say. 

Food is being laid out for a group of people who you work with on a daily basis. While you are heating up your contribution, you make yourself a little plate and think nothing of it. You’re probably thinking, what’s the issue with that?

The plate is a sampling of everything being offered. Instead of you waiting for the collective group to come together, you are standing in the kitchen having a snack or two of food that isn’t yours. When you’re caught, you just shrug your shoulders. Others look at you in disgust and you just move along without a care in the world.

On the same day, a group of people are standing around having a nice little chat. One of the members of the conversation begins to sneeze and it comes in a series of three. The others continue to chat away as if nothing has happened. The sneezing individual excuses themselves and no one acknowledges it. They continue to converse while the person looks on. Eventually, the person walks away and returns to their desk.

I was sitting not far from this interaction and watched all of this. I share an office with another person and we’d said, “Bless you.” We don’t believe it was heard over the voices of the rest of her group. It boggled my mind to know that none of them even stopped to check on the poor girl. Was the conversation that important that they couldn’t stop to check on the well-being of a co-worker? Not in my opinion, but in their’s it must’ve been.

I posted a question yesterday on my Facebook page because I had a note in my notebook to do this blog last week. The things I’ve shared happened over a week ago, but I found the notes I took for the blog post and figured: why not? 

My thoughts haven’t shifted on the subject. I am still bothered by the issues I raised and I believe it warrants discussing. I figured I may as well share my thoughts, weigh in on the subject.

What do you think about any or all of the scenarios I posed?

The following was cute and I felt I needed to share it:



**From the journal of a clustered mind.**



2 thoughts on “#LostCauses Manners? Chivalry? What are those?

  1. OMG I so agree with you! People today are so self-absorbed that even doing small things for others seems too much. Hell, I thank my bus driver every time I get off the bus and most of the time I’m the only one that does. It’s sad that we don’t care enough about others to notice when they need help or to acknowledge what they’ve done unless it’s negative. 😦 My hubby calls it an inflated sense of self importance and it’s so true.


    1. I would have to agree with you 100%. I cannot believe the ways that people find to disregard others. Thank you, please, and have a nice day are staples in my life. It floors me to know that there are those that don’t acknowledge even the little things.


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